Painting the inside of your home begins with a tough choice: just what colors are you going to use? If you aren’t certain where to start, we’ve a few suggestions for you.

Begin with an existing piece:
When choosing paint colors, particularly interior palettes, the best route to take is finding an existing piece you truly love. This could be a beloved bedspread, a piece of art, or even a section of gorgeous natural wood. You can them employ this piece as a jumping off point: what colors match the piece the most? Which match it? Which will bring out its best characteristics? You now have so many shades to work with. If you’re working with a vacant home instead, look for a piece of inspiration online or in magazines that you can employ in an identical way.
Make use of the color wheel:
The color wheel is the best tool to find out what colors matches or contrast each other. It is an excellent tool to ensure that you don’t pick colors that look great in the moment, but actually clash or bring out the worst in each other. Even normal painting or renovation projects should use the color wheel to find productive options & avoid errors.
Go neutral, when in doubt:
Usually, neutral colors are better options for most indoor paint colors. That is because there’re always other things to grab attention inside the home: gorgeous countertops, carefully chosen furniture, murals, wood floors and so on. Neutral colors such as soft whites, grays, and creamy shades will improve these other aspects of your house without grabbing too much attention to themselves.
Don’t pick too many colors:
Bear in mind, many houses already have focal points like furniture or floor to draw the attention. Choosing too many colors for your home can make it feel really confused, cluttered and ultimately distasteful. The eye won’t know where to look! So stick to 2 or probably 3 colors in a specific area.
Still having issue making up your mind? That is absolutely normal – but we can help. Call Steve Johnson’s Painting Service – the best Orlando Painting Service. Get in touch with us now to get a color consultation. We will go through your needs and help you find a color scheme that is just perfect for your home. Call us at +1 (407) 679 0111!